There are some topics I'm interested about and researching to include in future stories.
If you're interested in helping me research, please let me know via the links below.
Inclusion & Diversity in the Workplace
Is your workplace inclusive? If so, I'd like to hear about it!
Would it be possible to interview people in your company about diversity & inclusion? Great! Please get in touch.
Are researching (or have come across research) on this topic?
Origins of Harassment
Why do people harass each other? Have you come across any research on this topic? Great, please share!
Do you have specific stories to share?
Environmentally Sustainable Societies
Do you know of societies (small communities or countries) who are living in a sustainable way? I'd love to hear about them.
Do you work at energy or infrastructure organizations? Would love to understand how current policies support (or prevent) sustainable living!
Are you currently going throuhg a "green transformation" in your community/country?
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